domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

Summing up

hi there...

I have finally found a way, a proper way I hope, to end up this blog I've been more or less regularly updating since my arrival in Linköping (actually a lil earlier, middle june).
this is very strange, thinking that being back in Madrid is not temporary but definitive (at least until I manage to finish my degree, hopefully next year...), being back with my parents, seeing old friends,... but also being in touch with all these wonderfull ppl I've met in Linköping. I cannot miss out very special ppl, como tú Giulio :) I look back 1 year ago, I think about the fears and uncertainties that sorounded my departure to Sweden. I think about this year now and... really no words :)))) a huge SMILE and a lot of emotions...

I'm so thankful to everybody I've met in this wonderful experience, I've learnt from all of you and all of our experiences together :)

I was hard, very hard to leave Linköping. I have to say that it was probably one of the hardest weeks of my live :S but I survived to it! and I feel a lil stronger from that ;) but not invincible!
I'm ready to keep on learning, travelling, meeting, discovering,... even more than when I left to Sweden!

GRacias a todos y a todo lo que he vivido este año, jamás lo olvidaré!

Now... I feel like creating a new blog! still have to decide about the title, the colouring,... and what to write about! sometimes this writing has felt like a therapy (absolutely helpful!) so I might just open it to have a place to record what's going on in my life and in my mind ;)

cuidaros mucho! take very good care everyone!

leyre ;)
"don't look back into the sun,
now u now that the time has come,
and they said it would never come for u,..."

1 comentario:

Pepe dijo...


Pues la verdad es que es una lástima que todo haya acabado ya...ha sido un grandísimo año para todos, y tal como dices los temores del principio quedan como meras anéctodas.

Quién volviera atrás jejeje

Un saludo y cuídate mucho,
