lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

Vinter VS Vår

these are 2 pics which I've taken in 2different times of this year here in Linköping, right near my house (on my way to the laundry actually...)
Two different times but really not so distant in time! the picture from the left was taken in mid-March (just before Giulio left) and the one two the right a couple of weeks ago (I think it was late April, before Ana left!)- weird that I take time into account remembering ppl's farewells...
It's the same group of trees: the one with snow, towards the laundry house- the one with flowers all over the place, coming back from the laundry to my place :)

pd- shit I'm going to miss Sweden....

Good weather is back! (apparently...)

Yesterday was just the perfect perfect Sunday: morning run through the forest, afternoon lunch-fika in the forest for Paul's bday and pizza night at Anna&Matteo's place! so happy to be enjoying lasts weeks here :)))))) I just don't want to have time to think about leaving Sweden! :S
just for the record, the official countdown has started today: -2weeks to Spain....

pd- I love this pic witih Paul! (from his bday fika yesterday)

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

Mycket bra...

Last week was one of the most busy weeks in terms of academical dutties (partying is another issue) ever since I'm here in Linköping!

- deadline for the final paper of Religion and Politics,

- Swedish exam,

- readings to do for Investment valuation,

- readings to be done for Environmental Law and Economics,...

Although it might sound a little stressing (which it was, no partying this week- just farewell bbq for Paolo on Tuesday), the fact that I had some pressure made me react and finally awake me from this long-term rêve I've been experiencing in the last months...

Today I got the home exam for Law and Economics, I'm supposed to hand it in in a week's time so I'd better start this afternoon... I'm terrible with deadlines! For those who find incompatible the words home and exam, yes, I'll be graded on an exam that I'll be doing at home. Strange but not easy! I think that part of the assesment is based on our capacity of argueing... so I really have to make an effort on the shaping of the answers...

Today I also got the feedback from the Religion and Politics: after having struggled to get through the writing of 4000 words (in the beggining it seemed easy) I can happily say that I've passed the course :D but we will get the final mark after the seminar on Monday... I'll be performing as Akiko's opponent and viceversa ;) actually our topics are quite close so we'll both have to work hard on it...

plus plus plus... Summer plans update! I will participate in the AEGEE Summer University in Palermo in August, yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (this is the reason of the post's pic...)

The only thing that I'm missing is a lil more sun!


leyre ;)

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

Hora de volver

Last week I bought my flight ticket back home... this will be June 9th. Although there's almost a month left, I'm starting to have the feelings Ana was telling me she had the weeks before she left... a lot of emotions and all very different: having to do some studying for the courses here, knowing that I should also study for the exams I plan to do back home in June, social suntanning meetings, enjoying the corridor lifestyle, not leaving to a side the partying (huge rave coming up on the 21st of May... even if my last exam is on the 7th of June...).
I just hope that it won't be too hard- although many important ppl already left which I thought it would make the leaving much more easy it doesn't look like it's going to be as planned...

pic: from left to right, Gemma, Laura, Siri and me Plata night before my bday

my flip-flops suntanning (Ryds Allé = VIP solarium)


martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

...a bucket of sunshine...

this is the 1st post I'm writing as a 23 year-old: I must say that for the 1st time in my life, I haven't enjoyed getting one year older... 23 is not a nice number! but anyway... can fight time going by...

a couple of days after having arrived from Oslo (I think it was around the 25th of April) I finally decided to plant some seeds Mr. G had brought me from Amsterdam. No there were not marijuana u cheeky ones but SUNFLOWERS!
ever since that day I've been taking pictures of how they're growing...
I don't know if by the time I have to go back to Spain (I still haven't bought the ticket but I guess it'll be around the 8th of June...) I will have seen the flowers! right now there a quite a few little green leaves, they are quite crowded so I might have to change them from their initial yellow (and very cute) bucket. but we'll see :P here are some pics of how they're growing! ;)

left pic: Sunshine bucket and Paula's "zumbona grows her hair"

right pic: Sunshine bucket and some necklaces