lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

Hora de volver

Last week I bought my flight ticket back home... this will be June 9th. Although there's almost a month left, I'm starting to have the feelings Ana was telling me she had the weeks before she left... a lot of emotions and all very different: having to do some studying for the courses here, knowing that I should also study for the exams I plan to do back home in June, social suntanning meetings, enjoying the corridor lifestyle, not leaving to a side the partying (huge rave coming up on the 21st of May... even if my last exam is on the 7th of June...).
I just hope that it won't be too hard- although many important ppl already left which I thought it would make the leaving much more easy it doesn't look like it's going to be as planned...

pic: from left to right, Gemma, Laura, Siri and me Plata night before my bday

my flip-flops suntanning (Ryds Allé = VIP solarium)


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