martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

...a bucket of sunshine...

this is the 1st post I'm writing as a 23 year-old: I must say that for the 1st time in my life, I haven't enjoyed getting one year older... 23 is not a nice number! but anyway... can fight time going by...

a couple of days after having arrived from Oslo (I think it was around the 25th of April) I finally decided to plant some seeds Mr. G had brought me from Amsterdam. No there were not marijuana u cheeky ones but SUNFLOWERS!
ever since that day I've been taking pictures of how they're growing...
I don't know if by the time I have to go back to Spain (I still haven't bought the ticket but I guess it'll be around the 8th of June...) I will have seen the flowers! right now there a quite a few little green leaves, they are quite crowded so I might have to change them from their initial yellow (and very cute) bucket. but we'll see :P here are some pics of how they're growing! ;)

left pic: Sunshine bucket and Paula's "zumbona grows her hair"

right pic: Sunshine bucket and some necklaces

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