Today while reading the blog of an old friend I met some lovely lines about "la felicidad", which is actually the same as happiness, but in Spanish sounds so much nicer ;) After having read it, I couldn't help it looking up in (it's becoming one of my daily tools here) the definition of "felicidad"...
situación involuntaria en la que los factores internos y externos interactuan activando el sistema límbico (does anybody know what this means?), que estimulado adecuadamente, informará de este estado anímico. I found this too technical so I kept on searching. I didn't actually find the definition but something rather more interesting:
Satisfaction with Life Index: the average self-reported happiness in different nations, using direct

measures of happiness as an alternative to traditional measures of policy success. Surprinsingly (or maybe not so surprinsingly) Sweden is amongst the list of the most "happy" countries in the World...
from the most happy to the less happy: green>blue>purple>orange>red
I'm finishing this brief thought about "la felicidad" with an interesting sentence from Henry Van Dyke:
"La felicidad es interior, no exterior; por lo tanto, no depende de lo que tenemos, sino de lo que somos." TOTALLY AGREE. Happiness is born in our minds...
What makes me happy right now? To think about sunny lovely weather, just as the one we're having here this week despite the low temperatures (2.3ºC right now in Ryd, 23.44)...
Looking foward to tomorrow,
Have a good night ;)

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