viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2007

it's all about bullars...

Kötbullar, kanelbullar, luciabullar,... here in Sweden it seems as if everything has to do with "buns, cakes, rolls" or at least that's how the Svenska-Engelska online dictionary translates it...
I remember my first supermarket experience back in August- kötbullar all over the place! I already knew from our GREAT IW's about this meatball-smashed potatoes-"marmalade" dish but I just couldn't imagine it was really that popular. Really shocking... This is the pic I took with my cellphone on that day, I had to! :P

Then came kanelbullars... look tasty, smell nice though in my opinion they turn out to be not that nice- the texture of the pastry, the amount of cinnamon... certainly not for me! for those who'd like to try, here u r: the original Swedish recipe in Swedish...

And now luciabullars... haven't tasted them yet and I don't think I will have the opportunity as traditions here in Sweden are strictly respected and Santa Lucia is over :( They look like "little tits" (they really do!) and surprisingly! they aren't made with cinnamon! hehe This is how they look like...
In Sweden, Santa Lucia is one of the big events: according to what I have read, Santa Lucia was said to be the first wife of Adan but she had some kind of special thing going on with the devil... Anyway, in the old calendar, Santa Lucia's day the 13th of December was the one with the longest night of the year. The tradition also says that day u have to take a plentiful breakfast :)
More about the Santa Lucia Festen: girls dress up in a white dress, boys as stars and everybody sings songs dedicated to this special event and, of course, get drunk! otherwise it wouldn't be Sweden :P
Lovely Sweden, cute tradition,... I didn't miss the stupid karaballen ( I never wan to go to one of those ever again) but I did miss this... s***!!

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