domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

Laurita and the MiniMeal...

Today I had my first almost "cocido" soup ;) Spanish will probably agree that whenever it's cold outside, there's nothing better than having a warm home made cocido! To prepare a proper cocido takes way more time than I did but at least I had something which resembled to what my father usually cooks back home... Anyway, I had invited Laura to enjoy lunch with me but she finally couldn't come cause she's too into her studies :P but I will forgive her... This post is dedicated to her, for the lovely time we spent together during our trip last week and because of being a true friend ;) but when speaking about laura u just CAN'T miss talking about her passion! MINIMEAL! This yoghurt+cereal thing drives Laura crazy, I think it can only be found in Sweden and Finland so Laura will be taking a truck full of minimeals to Germany for Xmas!! :P

But the thing is that she probably said no to my cocido soup and had a minimeallllllllllllllllllll
Te quiero mucho Laurita ;)

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